Friday, October 7, 2016

War Pie

The documentary "Buying the War," offers a perspective on the emotional response to words associated with 9/11. For example, when examined, it becomes clear it is difficult to frame a story with the words, Muslim and 9/11, without eliciting an emotional response. The documentary suggests the American media was used as a tool to exploit Americans patriotism and emotional response to a national tragedy. Considering the saturation of images and words that linked anything Middle-Eastern with the 9/11 attack, the difficulty of framing an unemotional story that includes both nine-eleven and Muslim becomes clear.  Whether the American media was encouraged, pushed, or coerced, the American fight or flight response was constantly stimulated from September 11, 2001 and beyond the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, another question becomes obvious, "who or what was guiding the media tool?"

The options for an answer are many. Is there a top guy or head mastermind?

Is it an elite secret society? Or are the complexities so tangled that each member of the 1% has at least one finger in the "Buy a War and Get Richer Pie?"

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