Friday, October 7, 2016

The Truth

After viewing the Buying of the war, my memories of my emotions that were presented when I saw Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 came back to my recollection.  I remembered how furious I was at the government for lying to us. During that time , Bush's administration was considered a a force that was conspiring against us, well my fellow peers and I , which was a group  that was almost  80% minority. Why does this matter, well, I believe with selective exposure , we were drawn to Michael Moore's documentary and we found a  source that framed a story in which we found a gain to our "argument" at that time. Today, I find that my emotions although very  real and valid can be put aside to reconsidernmy opinion of the Bush's administration. I believed after viewing this piece  , I can strongly suggest that my peers' and my opinions of the administration is not far from the truth.
The seriousness of the role of being a journalist was jeopardized by a governmental force. The unethical use of language and repetition to create a falsified and exaggerated frame to inform the people, was not only irresponsible but dangerous. Journalists are suppose to inform the people not to persuade them to any direction and here it appears that they were led by hedonism. This is alarming because , I myself , as I expressed almost reconsidered my stance on Bush after  listening to his speech after a few years after the tragedy.  I feel that this  type of propaganda is manifesting itself now in the  digital world. The influences that are coming at us from many directions are causing us to react instead of choosing to act on what we may feel is right or wrong. This piece gives a perfect example how influential the media can be and its effects it has on society.  The new forms of media and the rapid increase of distribution of "information",  may have an  effect that may have some serious consequences , if we do not stop to think about the how we are going to choose to act. The scary part  to me is that what if this is  actually  being done purposely to us? That we , the people have created this powerful influential machine ourselves, because of own need to have instant information instead of the truth?

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