Sunday, October 23, 2016

Are We Actually Careless About Our Data?

Privacy is a tricky thing to keep track of when your online as much as someone like me. Just about everything I do nowadays is online from my work to shopping, banking, entertainment, and more. If someone were able to take an extended look at all of the information I submit through the web, they could essentially construct my entire identity. This is a scary thing to think about especially when news continues to come in about governments and hackers constantly trying to  get at your personal data.

While many people like to tout that younger people are too open about their personal data, there is the contrasting argument that we have little to no control over how our data is tracked. Essentially I am always looking to decrease the likelihood of data breaches by staying aware of security liabilities online. I'm always hedging my bets with how mail platforms, social media, and other websites and apps manage my data. Research and awareness lead me to decisions to drop Yahoo's mail client, avoid shopping with debit cards, and diminishing the amount of personal info that can be found on social media.

The fact that millennials tend to share more data is likely just an effect to the fact we are more avid internet users. We tend to use more websites and apps to simplify our lives though this means we bleed more data as a consequence. However, I'm curious to see research that determines who tends to leak more detrimental personal data more often. Just because we tend to create alot of data doesn't mean it can necessarily be used against us, at least, not if we're careful and aware of who we trust to keep our info safe.

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