Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Coffee & Productivity

Image result for coffee

Coffee, the ultimate productivity agent. Coffee is the go too for businessmen and college students alike. The world has an obsession with this brown liquefied bean. Why is it so attractive?

My favorite quote in the readings related to productivity is,

“The obvious and time-tested solution is to drink vast quantities of coffee” (Steven Poole).

It’s a time tested solution! I decided to do some research and see if coffee shows up in any other productivity websites. 
  1. It helps you stay more alert
  2. It gets the creative juices flowing
  3. It helps you learn new things faster

It’s the American Dream beverage. Work, work work, do whatever it takes to succeed. Multitasking is essential in this world. No time for breaks. America treats coffee as a pick me up. Quality is less important. Our speed reading becomes fantastic. We write papers faster. It is instant gratification to the means of productivity in one cup. Our brains have to sort so much information, why not drink coffee to help keep some sanity?

Unfortunately, as most coffeeholics know, the caffeine wears out. Soon we are left cold and slightly depressed. Productivity ebbs away. We are left with our wandering thoughts and impatience for our next cup of joe.

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