Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Social Media and Depression

Kelsey Sunstrum wrote How Social Media Affects Our Self-Perception insinuating that social media may be plaguing us with smiling depression, a term coined to describe someone who struggles with clinical depression, however appears to be happy.

Although this issue has especially been prevelant in this generation I beg the question--is this really anything new? Is it really social media or is it just us? I say it is not anything new because before social media outlets there were magazines, and before that we had visible class differences (lifestyle, clothes, opportunities) and still, not everyone was on a leveled playing field. It is somewhat human nature to want the things we cannot have. It is human nature to want to achieve self actulaization. If we sit and contemplate our reasons for using social media what will we find? If we ask ourselves how social media is affecting our moods, beings, aspirations, or goals...again, what will we find?

If we find social media and its platforms affecting us negatively it is time to re-frame our thinking. We must condition ourselves to move past the "FOMO" and view social media as a platform for self-expression, opportunity, and inspiration rather than just a place where we attempt to exhaustingly "keep up with the Jones's". Just reframing with this healthier perspective and intention for ourselves on social media may we begin to find peace and then maybe not let this be the cause our smiling depression. 

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