Monday, October 17, 2016

Instant Gratification from Mr. Feeny's P.O.V.

I was born in 1992, only two years after Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. Growing up, my family had AOL which took a whole 5 minutes to start up and only one person could use it at a time. I remember feeling impatient even then, resulting in me walking to the kitchen to get a snack while I waited for the internet to load. Fast-forward to now and I become un-interested in something if it takes longer than 30 seconds to load. 

This idea was further analyzed in the Boston Globe article written by Christoper Muther who states that the millennial generation have become more impatient with the new innovations in technology. This reminded me of a topic that was discussed to me in my ATEC 2232 class. The topic was called "technological adherence" and it was the idea that advancement in technology will result in corresponding behavior in society. In other words, because technology has made it possible to stream everything instantaneously we expect things to happen just as quickly and become frustrated when it takes more time than expected.

The article talked about the negative side effects of instant gratification as well which immediately reminded me of this clip from the popular 90s show Boy Meets World. In this episode Corey, Topanga, and Shawn have been competing on a televised "quiz show" and believe that the material taught in Mr. Feeny's classroom is no longer relevant for the "real world." This leads to Mr. Feeny giving the class a lecture about how instant gratification has lead to a lack of desire for sustainable knowledge. 

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