Thursday, October 13, 2016

So I'm guessing I should be depressed? - 10/20

"Will Facebook Make You Sad? Depends How You Use It" blatantly states that there is a link between one's sadness and exactly how they use Facebook. I'm personally not a big fan of social media, and I say this knowing that may be blasphemy to others in my major, but I haven't nor will I ever be a fan of any type of social media. However, out of all the Twitters and Instagrams and Myspaces, Facebook is the site I use most often. And, because of my dislike of social media, I rarely ever post anything. My wall is literally made up of tagged photos and memes about college, but I haven't actively posted anything since High School. So, why am I not sad? Why doesn't my smile turn upside down I open my cell phone and scroll through the various pictures and statuses that my friends choose to share with the world? I'll tell you, because the study is BS. 

Now I don't say that lightly, in fact, I fully understand that seeing the carefully crafted status of someone you know explaining an interesting encounter they had while you sit from the comfort of your own bed and proceed to start episode four of a Netflix series that you just started today may dampen someone's spirits. But to put that entirely on Facebook would be irresponsible. As one of those passive Facebook users, I can definitely say it isn't Facebook that's making you sad, it's your life. Although, it shouldn't, because all those passive users need to realize is that the people on their friend's list only put THE BEST part of their lives on Facebook and still have shitty days like the rest of us, and that'll solve all of their self-esteem problems they may have about their lives. 

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