Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I'm not ignorant, I'm just lazy

The title says it all. When it comes to privacy online, I'm perfectly aware of how much my data is being thrown around. I'm a senior in EMAC, I've heard every side to every case to every detail of how we are always being watched and how all of our data is being used across the world in mining expeditions all localized in my smart phone. I'm aware, but I really don't care. McCauley found that millennials might share more, but they still care about privacy. Of course I care about privacy, I don't want anyone knowing my passwords or my bank account info, but I'm really not super bothered by data miners knowing how many FaceBook friends I have or how many links I post. It's a little creepy, but I go at it from a broad standpoint. They're looking at millions of people, so my data is not being scrutinized super closely. It's data. That's it.

Sure, there are days where I take a FaceBook quiz and will go through the "What I am sharing with this website" checklist and uncheck nearly everything because I feel like I need to, but 9/10 times I just leave it alone. And every single quiz I take, I have that thought in the back of my mind. "They're data mining, your privacy is being breached, be weirded out!" but in reality, I just care about what President I supposedly look like (I got Obama lol). I know it's a bad mindset, but I simply don't see the harm in it. Until it is proven to me that the data they're mining for will seriously hurt me in some way, I don't care. Mine away.

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