Thursday, October 27, 2016

Exam Review Sheet

This list is drawn from all the powerpoints and is meant to help you prepare for the exam, but to do well on the exam, you are responsible for studying with your lecture notes.
  1. Lasswell's model of communication
  2. Positivist ontology
  3. Social constructivist ontology
  4. Inoculation
  5. Descriptive norms
  6. Injunctive norms
  7. Cialdini's 6 ways to influence people
  8. Framing
  9. Gain frame
  10. Loss frame
  11. Episodic frame
  12. Thematic frame
  13. Prospect theory
  14. Selective exposure
  15. Cognitive dissonance
  16. Mood management theory
  17. Confirmation bias
  18. Selective perception
  19. Selective retention
  20. Polarization
  21. Badder-Meinhof phenomenon
  22. Reinforcement theory
  23. Fixed mindset
  24. Growth mindset 
  25. Lasswell's propaganda theory
  26. Lippmann's "pictures in our heads"
  27. Powerful media effects
  28. Magic bullet theory
  29. Hypodermic needle theory
  30. Experiments with "Why we fight" films
  31. Limited media effects
  32. "War of the worlds"
  33. "The people's choice"
  34. Two-step flow theory
  35. Uses and gratifications paradigm
  36. Moderate-to-powerful effects
  37. Search Engine Manipulation Effect    
  38. 1st level agenda-setting
  39. Accessibility
  40. 2nd level agenda-setting
  41. Who sets the media's agenda?
  42. Agenda-setting theory's problems
  43. Agenda-cutting
  44. Priming
  45. Embodied cognition
  46. Semantic network
  47. "Buying the war"
  48. Framing & President Bush's address
  49. Failure of the press during 9/11
  50. Third-person perception & its implications
  51. Self-enhancement bias
  52. First-person perception & its implications
  53. Spiral of silence
  54. Spiral of silence and social media
  55. Your proposals to minimize the spiral
  56. Brene Brown's "Power of vulnerability"
  57. Speed and contemporary life
  58. New technology and quality of life
  59. Jon Jandai's "Life is easy"
  60. Connections & addiction
  61. Upward comparison
  62. Downward comparison
  63. Sherry Turkle's "Connected, but alone"
  64. Goldilocks effect
  65. Smiling depression
  66. PostSecret
  67. Humans of New York
  68. Privacy and contemporary life
  69. Glenn greenwald's "Why privacy matters"
  70. Reidentification
  71. Data pollution
  72. Target's big data analysis
  73. G-male, Siri, and singularity
  74. Limits of codes & programming
  75. Michael Sandel's trolley problems
  76. Jason Warner and "Alice"
  77. Link between e-waste and cybercrime

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