Thursday, October 13, 2016

Millennials FTW - 10/18

Deciding what to write about was kind of a struggle for me, but then I read the article about Millennials being willing to take a significant pay cut for a job they wanted and I knew that had to be the one I choose. First I must say, seeing articles like that make me proud to be a millennial. We're not like the baby boomers or gen x's who take jobs just so they can pay the bills. We're searching for a purpose, we're trying to find meaning in this crazy little thing called life and we're not afraid to take a pay cut to do it. A lot of people look down on millennials as needing hand outs or being too sensitive, but that's not true. es, we are more vocal about problems and injustices going on in the world. Yes, a lot of us can't get our heads out of the fascinating little pieces of technology in our pockets. Yes, we might need a little extra help so we can go to graduate, law, or medical school. But that doesn't make us helpless, and it certainly doesn't make us any less of a generation than any others that have come before. This article proves that fact, and when I read articles like that, I know that millennials are gonna change the world, and we'll all LOL at the look of the faces of all the older generations that looked down on us.

Additionally, when I read the article about instant gratification, I couldn't help but think about millennials once again; how we're criticized for not being patient because everything has been handed to us our entire lives. Although, no one dares to look at the facts and see that, back then, the economy was worse off and jobs were a lot easier to come by. But I digress, no we might not have the patient to wait for our internet to load, but we have patience for the things that matter. Why else would nearly half of us be okay with taking a job with less pay simply because we'd feel like a purpose at the new one? Because we know changing the world takes the time, and we're willing to put in the work.

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