Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Self perception causes self awareness

"Scientists have long debated Facebook’s impact on users’ in-the-moment mood as well as their deeper satisfaction with life."

The quote mentioned above is from Bohannon's article "Will Facebook Make Us Sad? Depends on how you use it" and it made me realize that we naturally tend to gravitate towards things that make us see what we're missing in our own life which sometimes negates our self-perception almost unintentionally.

If we think about it, by following various social media influencers we tend to look for inspiration. So why exactly do we look up to people on social media and get inspired? Is it because we want to be like them or do we see something in their personality that reminds us of somebody or something? To answer that, I'd refer to the quote mentioned above. The impact depends on our "in the moment mood" as well as our "deeper satisfaction with our own life". We may just be scrolling through Facebook out of fun but, something might pop up such as an ex with his girlfriend leading us to think that "How much more single can I get?" furthermore making us look into our own life and thoughts critically. So, our Facebook usability just depends on how we want it to be. You can choose to either pause at a post that makes you ponder upon memories or you can choose to move past that and look at more positive posts which may slightly change your self- perception and inspire you to change your own life. Lastly, we become self-aware of our own feelings through this process making us un-easy in some way or another.

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