Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hindsight on the media after 9/11

Although it was extremely difficult to see at the time, the media failed in its duty during the times of 9/11 and the beginning of the War on Terror. Retroactively, the media acted as an arm of the government, dispersing the messages it wanted to be broadcasted. Pressure came in from all sides for media to remain lenient towards the government and the Bush administration. Any challengers or skeptics were challenged as "Non-American." Immediately then the powers of the media to challenge the government were chopped out from underneath them.

The media revealed details of the Watergate scandal that would force Nixon to resign. It shows the failure of the media to live up to its responsibility by lining up to serve the government's will after 9/11. What is to blame? Those in power? Executives? Fear? Or do we not have a clue? We will likely never know what happened behind closed doors. Instead the media used fear to push the government's narrative. I believe a retroactive look and the spread of information about 9/11 on the internet has led to more Americans being skeptical about the trustworthiness and status of the media. At the time, it was easy to fear because of the narrative being pushed and the events of 9/11. What was not apparent was the government's interests in creating a war, and the use of the press to push American public opinion towards supporting the war. The media then and since is now perceived by many as a lenient lackey of the government, spreading their will, narrative, and propaganda.

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