Monday, October 24, 2016

The revolution will not be Digitalized

This weeks readings hits a few spots with me. I am torn by Apple's letter and affirmed by the Facebook quizzes and the buzzfeed's article. I also agree that millennials do care about their privacy. i believe  that they are being distracted and their digital nature is causing a bit of a harm. I am torn with the apple's letter because I do believe that the use of technology/data can bring extraordinary solutions to  very damaging issues.However not at the expense of  an invasion of privacy. It is hard for me to pretend that it would be easy for me to be sympathetic to , rapists, murders, and thieves,  but these individuals still hold  basic human rights in prison. It is kind of the same when it comes to data.  The possession of data should still hold the same basic values. It would be ideal to just generate a magical key to help with such "isolated" cases but if it comes to where all human rights to privacy can be invaded rather for "alleged" criminal activity or not, we still have to considered all the lasting effects this magical  key may have on the people it is ironically trying to protect. At what measure do we give up privacy? Currently, we choose to not to participate in "quizzes" that collect our data but what if laws are being constructed right now, right underneath our noses that would allow certain agencies in the name of safety to see your data?  The sketchy part is that  these laws may exist but we are not aware of  them. perhaps, privacy is not considered personal property. Do you believe if privacy would be a means of currency for "the people" ,would the people be more aware  of the laws that governs it? I believe that it is a source of revenue for  many but because we the people are not benefiting or partakers, we may be more acceptable of distractions. That's why I believe millennials do care, they are  distracted by the digital world. They grew up in a whole other culture. A culture where if you need an answer you just googled it and settle for the first answers that pops up. I am guilty of this convenience too. Growing up with digital access has changed the dynamics of awareness. We the people now have to search through oceans of opinions posted on blogs , sensational "news media, influential videos, and much more. I don't have  "data" that would help with  my theory, but  I do know that  our need to feel safe is effecting our views on privacy and if we don't pay attention,  we may no longer have that  individual right .

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