Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Priming and Gender Constructs

Society has ingrained in us these concepts of what is “feminine” and what is “masculine.” Sometimes when people break through these socially created gender constructs they make us feel uncomfortable or confused by these nonconforming actions. Along with these gender constructs, there is this idea of the patriarchal system in which men have dominance over women. In this hierarchy, men are seen as having more advantages over women in social, economic, and political institutions. In regards to the reading about men feeling threatened by women accomplishing more than them, I can see and understand why men may feel and react this way. These changes primes men into accessing these schemas that were formulated by societal ideals. They no longer feel that they have control over women like they’re supposed to, and it makes them “uncomfortable or confused.” Are these reactions based on conscious or subconscious beliefs?

The idea of priming makes me wonder about how much control we have over our actions and thoughts. Whether we realize this or not, we are surrounded by many stimuli wherever we go and we are constantly being influenced because of this. When I think about it, reading this article primed me to recall information I learned in a different class in order to make these gender associations. Priming is an interesting effect, and it makes me wonder about the different ways we can use this concept to benefit ourselves or others.

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