Thursday, September 29, 2016

Media Effects Team Green

1) Alex Glover (5), Taylor Gibson (6), Lindsay Rance (4), Elessa Boiko (2)

2) Media is a platform and the content to come out of said platform. Examples: Fox News and other news outlets, social media, content creators (Writers/YouTubers/Actors), print and digital content, billboards, advertisement with commercials or paper pamphlets, producers, etc.

3) Effects focus on behavioral change in that they are typically trying to get you to do/buy/feel something, whether that be blatant or subtle. It brings awareness to a topic one might not even be thinking of previously, so the media effects how they feel and act upon the topic. Examples: A commercial that focuses on women's bodies, it makes viewers rethink the way they see body image and how to improve their outlook. Any advertisement on television/billboards/newspapers effects your behavior in that it makes you want to buy something.

4) Competition 1:
Alex Glover - 
1. Hopping Platforms Effect: FaceBook takes over nostalgia with its TimeHop clone. Most people typically don't use TimeHop anymore and primarily view FaceBook for past memories.
2. Know Your Meme Effect: Invisible Children film attempted to shed light on the militaristic leader Kony by spreading awareness. Every social media was flooded with information and news about Kony to the point everyone knew about it and 'Kony 2012' became a meme.
3. #OhSh00t Effect: After a warning posted to 4chan went viral following a shooting at an Oregon university, more copycat posts began appearing online. Several Universities had lockdowns or enhanced security because they were taking the joking threats seriously. They took a serious event and made it into a joke which in turn was taken seriously.
4. Grownup FaceBook Effect: LinkedIn is now a primary tool for hiring and getting jobs. If you don't have a good LinkedIn, people say you will face difficulties landing a job.
5. The Mayan Calendar Effect: The Mayan calendar was ending in 2012, which people took to mean the world would be ending. The media perpetuated the idea to the point there was a blockbuster film that came of it. Obviously we're still around.
Taylor Gibson - 
6. Live From New York It's Total Bullshit Effect: A traditional popular medium (Saturday Night Live) created a skit about Palin that Tina Fey acted in and people began misquoting it and confusing what was really said by Palin and what wasn't. One popular being "I can see Russia from my house" (she never said this!).
7. Gorilla Warfare: A gorilla named Harambe was shot at the Cincinnati Zoo because he grabbed a child. Social media took the situation and turned it into a meme that a majority of the internet participated in. Users showed reverence to the fallen gorilla, but those who took the matter seriously saw it as offensive. It was a meme with a longer than average lifespan, and it blew the actual event out of proportion to the point it became a national issue.
8. Marina Joyce Did 9/11 Effect: A popcorn effect where someone noted that UK vlogger Marina Joyce looked scared in one of her videos, and everyone ran with it making up new ideas including being kidnapped by ISIS, having Schizophrenia, acting crazy for new followers, etc. It blew a normal video out of proportion and into a conspiracy theory that even involved the police.
9. #CutForBeiber Effect: 4chan users created a fake campaign that called for young girls to self harm for Justin Bieber to stop smoking. Young girls flocked to Twitter posting pictures of their bloodied arms to conform to the social event.
10. Y2Krack Pot Effect: The media ran with the idea that the world would end and technology would become corrupted when it hit 2000. People began panicking once the end drew near, but again we're obviously still here. People still reference the event a lot and continue to make jokes.
11. CreepyPasta Effect: The meme Slender Man was taken to a new level when two teenagers attempted to sacrifice a young girl in the woods as a sacrifice to the Slender Man. She is alive.
Lindsay Rance -
12. I'm a Slave 4 Media Portrayals of the Ideal Female Body Effect: Young children, 10 year olds, faced body image issues after watching videos of Britney Spears and Friends back in the 90s.
13. Kickstarter Effect: KickStarter is a platform for crowdfunding that has gone viral in that everyone uses it to fund inspirational aspirations or for stupid inventions.
14. #Likes4Life Effect: Everyone asks for likes on FaceBook, including getting to a million likes to stop a certain behavior from happening.
15. #AwkwardFirstDate Effect: Jimmy Fallon started a hashtag, #AwkwardFirstDate, which got the conversation started on first dates and how to improve them.
Elessa Boiko -
16. Votey McVoteFace Effect: A British company decided to let the public name their Polar research ship. The winner ended up being Boaty McBoatFace.
17. Tit4Tat Effect: A heavily tattooed UK woman went to Korea and was stared at the entire time. This is introspective on how Korea looks at beauty, and how it's a conforming look instead of individuality.

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