Tuesday, September 6, 2016

1) "Religious Freedom" vs. "Religious Discrimination" 

- Duncan Gallagher
- Ofelia Alvarenga
- Mark Alison
- Darian McBrauyer 


 Religious Discrimination Articles

(a) Duncan (b) “Township Saw a Zoning Issue. The Justice Dept. Saw Religious Discrimination” (c) The New York Times (d)  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/us/politics/township-saw-a-zoning-issue-the-justice-dept-saw-religious-discrimination.html

(a) Duncan (b) “Indonesia Religious Discrimination Harms Education Rights” (c) Human Rights Watch (d) https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/08/29/indonesia-religious-discrimination-harms-education-rights

(a) Ofelia (b) Religious Freedom Claims Are A Fraud (c) The Huffington Post (d) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/religious-freedom-claims-are-a-fraud_us_57a1cdd2e4b00e7e26a090f5

(a) Ofelia (b)Teaching Evolution Isn't About Changing Beliefs (c) Education Week (d)http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/04/20/teaching-evolution-isnt-about-changing-beliefs.html

(a) Darian (b) French Riviera City Bans Specialty Swimsuit For Muslim Women  (c) NPR (d) http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/12/489777580/french-resort-city-bans-muslim-bathing-suit

(a) Darian (b) Court rules British Christian has right to wear cross at work (c) CNN (d) http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/15/world/europe/uk-christian-lawsuit/index.html

(a) Mark Alison, (b) Tennessee votes Prejudice, and Discrimination, Huffington Post (d) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/karen-l-pollock/tenessee-votes-for-prejud_b_9736408.html

(a) Mark Alison, (b) Target Says Transgender People Can Use The Bathroom That Fits Their Gender Identity (c) Huffington Post (d) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/target-transgender-bathrooms_us_5716ad32e4b0018f9cbb8593

 Religious Freedom Article

(a) Duncan (b) “Hobby Lobby Founder: Clinton Is A Frightening Prospect For Religious Freedom“ (c) Western Journalism (d) http://www.westernjournalism.com/hobby-lobby-founder-clinton-is-a-frightening-prospect-for-religious-freedom/

(a) Ofelia (b) Bathroom Bills and Religious Freedom Laws: Losing Battles for the GOP  (c) U.S.news.com (d) www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-08-25/bathroom-bills-and-religious-freedom-laws-losing-battles-for-the-gop

(a) Ofelia (b) Are US businesses doing enough to support religious diversity in the workplace? (c) The Guardian.com (d) https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/jan/28/religious-diversity-us-business-muslim-hijab-discrimination-equal-employment-eeoc

(a) Darian (b) Satanic Temple unveils goat-headed statue in Detroit (c) Fox News (d) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/07/26/for-one-night-devil-is-in-detroit.html

(a) Darian (b) Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to veto 'religious liberty' bill (c) CNN (d) http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/28/us/georgia-north-carolina-lgbt-bills/

(a) Mark Alison (b) Why the onslaught of religious freedom laws?, (c) CNN (d) http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/06/us/religious-freedom-laws-why-now/

(a) Mark Alison (b) Conservative Christians Grapple With Whether 'Religious Freedom' Includes Muslims (c) NPR (d)  http://www.npr.org/2016/06/29/483901761/conservative-christians-grapple-with-what-religious-freedom-means-for-muslim\

3) Common Supporting Evidence

Among articles that framed an issue as religious discrimination often provided evidence that the issue violated human rights. For example, stories about religious discrimination that impacted minority groups such as Muslims and the LGBT community provided evidence that framed the opposition as a side that discriminated against said minority groups.

4) Descriptive and Injunctive Norms

The principle of "liking" was used in articles that discussed human rights. Because we are all human, authors framing the discussion as a human rights issue connects readers to the issue more.

In addition, appeals to authority were often made when articles referenced statements made by governments or politicians. Articles that framed an issue in the light of discrimination against Christians often cited comments made by politicians that supported their argument. Citing statements or positions made by politicians could also be an example of how authors used injunctive norms to support their argument.  

"Reciprocation" was also used in an article discussing evolution in which the author gave credibility to the opposition's argument that the theory violated their religious beliefs, but later opposed this argument. 

In another article discussing the transgender bathroom issue, the author used descriptive norms by citing the protests made by human rights advocates in support of their position on the issue.

5) Ontological Nature of Both Frames

In a thematic frame, articles discussing religious discrimination would often put a stronger emphasis on human rights and rights granted to them by the constitution than their right to specifically practice a religion of their choice. On the other side, articles that framed an issue as a right to religious freedom often specifically cited the First Amendment and the political support their side of the argument possessed. Both sides cited rights granted to them by either the constitution or a higher entity to support their frame.

6) Neutral Frame

A neutral frame discussing religious discrimination would need to first specifically define the terms "freedom" and "discrimination". "Discrimination" would need to be defined only as the belief that another group possesses a different set of rights than one's own group, and "freedom" would need to be defined as the belief that all groups possess the same rights. 

Other terms such as "human rights" or even just the term "rights" would need to be framed specifically in the light of rights granted by the constitution, a document that both sides cite in support of their arguments, e.g., "constitutionally-granted rights". 


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