Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Creating the echo chamber

This study on political polarization tells us so much about different media sources and political alignment that it's difficult to encapsulate all of the consequences of the media and political environment that's been created.

The split on media choices from those who exist on either far side of the political spectrum tells us a few consequences of the political environment that's been created. Immediately noticeable to me was that the media choices by far right and far left people cover all of the major media sources of news. These major media sources are strongly preferred by one side or the other, so what's left for those in the middle? As far as my personal experience goes (I affiliate with neither side), I feel like there is no available major media source of information that can provide me with information not affected in some way politically. The polarization also serves the narrative that there are "only two sides." Moderate, unaffiliated, or other views are not represented by the media. Choose a side, conservative or liberal. And most of all, when you do choose a side, don't trust those guys on the other side.

The combination of some of these results is interesting as well. If conservatives are more likely to choose only one source of news (Fox) and see political opinions on social media that align to their own views, then where is the rest? Their social media experience seems to be an echo chamber of information from less sources that align with conservative views. Worth thinking about why social media sites will place conservatives in this echo chamber, while other views apparently will receive a more varied feed.

Liberals being more likely to delete people from social media because of political views also can result in an echo chamber. If social media won't isolate you away from opposing views, just do it yourself. This process seems more of a willing isolation from other views. I'm not going to guess why this is the trend, but it's worth to think about.

The trends are different, but they lead to the same result no matter which side of the political spectrum you're on: isolation from the other side, and an echo chamber that will feed you information that is likely to align to what you find acceptable. And those who don't align strongly struggle to find information that isn't politically influenced. It's an unhealthy environment to be in overall.

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