Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bingo on Nov 1

Dear all -- This game is meant to help you foster critical thinking skills and develop deeper understanding of theoretical linkages among key concepts covered in the class. Moreover, it is designed to help you prepare for the exam in a fun and intellectually stimulating way. I hope you enjoy and benefit from the game!

  1. Please form a group between 1 to 3 members 
  2. Fill out your group's Bingo card using the numbers assigned on the review sheet:
    • will choose the numbers.  Each group has 10 seconds to prepare and give their two-part answer:
      • Explain your assigned concept
      • Explain, or make up an example that showcases, how your assigned concept relates to the previous concept 
        • There are likely different ways to explain the same concept. Feel free to elaborate on the previous term as to make a case for your proposed linkage between the two concepts
    • Dr. Lee will determine whether the answers are satisfactory, but the class may be invited to vote on contested answers
    •  First group to get a straight line (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) wins
      • The winning group gets +1 in in-class exercise
    p.s. Feel free to bring your laptop/tablet and lecture notes for today's exercise

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