Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Let's Take the Easy Route!

I found the 6 Degrees of Plagiarism . . . to be a very interesting read. The relation to political figures having the audacity to steal another one's work without credit is quite alarming. I, myself at the beginning of my college career, unknowingly plagiarized an assigned essay topic. I know what you are thinking, "how do you unknowingly?" Well upon my visit to the assistant dean's office, I felt like my preparation for college was not set to the proper standard. What I mean by that is that my high school teachers, I feel did not prepare me for citations. Again, I know what you might be thinking, no I was not the student who skipped or slept during lessons. In another instance, I would like to address Shia Labeouf's incident that he had a few years back. Within this incident, or should I say plagiarism scandal, Shia was somewhat of a director and he supposedly had this brilliant idea for his next movie and went to town on creating a script. When everything was laid out for others to view and critique, the reactions were flattering. Well not from one particular individual, someone viewing Labeouf's work felt the urge to think that this work seems all too familiar. And indeed it was, Shia had stolen another author's work and wanted to turn it into a film. The resemblance was scary, and for that Labeouf had plagiarized. His work therefore was to never be looked at the same. His lack of crediting the proper author, left him with nothing and a loss of a huge appraisal group. The point to be made here, is that there is a difference between not knowing, and plain stealing. With integrity and honesty built into someones efforts, the reward will seem that much better. Take a second before clicking the copy and paste option, and think about originality and what the future will hold if you follow through. Everyone should know being original adds way more "cool points" versus being lazy.In relation to the reading over climate change, the "doubters" can be compared to those who plagiarize. These possible candidates for doubting or flat denying climate change would get along well with those who steal other peoples work. The comparison is not blunt, but it is presently vague. For those who do not want to believe that we as humans are burning too much into our everyday world, then I cannot help but to think that they are too lazy to piece together the fact that are so very much visible. If the "non-believer" were to take there time to look at the scientific findings to support climate change, and then take the information into consideration, their opinions may be altered. If this is not the case, then the denial is real and very much like the plagiarizing politician, the facts are not welcomed and the easy route is taken!

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