In the reading, Veronika
Decides to Die, the story about the king and the well caught my attention.
I thought the story was a great example of how societies evolve in thinking. “They think they’re normal because they all do
the same thing” (Veronika Decides to Die).
What an eye opening statement! For example, what was normal 50 years ago? The Beatles,
bright colors, Twiggy, and VW Beetle are all common things you might see.
A question that came to mind was, can one person change the
poisoned water back to the original or maybe into a different water entirely?
I decided to think of some instances where one person did
change the well water.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Margaret Sanger
- Jesus
- Charles Darwin
These people had an impact on the world. Unfortunately, the
problem with this thinking is that all my scenarios assume the population is
already drinking “mad water.”
The original sustenance of the well water depends on your own
convictions and how you frame the situation. Personally, I believe sometimes
the well water becomes polluted, like with Hitler and sometimes the water gets purified
like with Martin Luther King. How you personally frame the water is very
important to societal evolution.
Additionally, society possesses the power to frame our
worldview. The article about Robin William’s suicide is a great example.
“Genie, you’re free” communicates to the population that suicide is liberating
and acceptable. One day will assisted suicide for all ages be permissible? How
does this view of suicide relate to geriatric termination of life support?
Overall, I think time provides an ever changing potion to
our water supply.