Monday, November 14, 2016

Grade Calculation

  1. Class Participation (25%): 
    1. [overall performance out of 100] / 100 x 25 = _________
      • Absences, in-class exercises, in-class exercise extra credits, basic engagement (e.g., points off if repeatedly reminded to focus on class rather than digital devices, etc.). See syllabus for more detail 
      • Keep in mind that you will not be penalized for being reticent in class. I've made sure throughout the semester that everyone got to share something in class so you are okay as far as engagement goes!). 
  2. Reading Responses (20%): 
    1. [raw # submitted on time] / 5 x 10 = ________
    2. [quality out of 100] / 100 x 10 = _________ 
      • Assume you have 95+ for quality as long as you did not merely summarize the readings, which is the only criteria for reading responses. See syllabus for clarification.
  3. In-class Exam (25%):
    1. [raw number] / 135 x 25 = ________
  4. Team Debate (30%):
    1. [debate performance out of 100 ] / 100 x 15 = ________
    2. [research paper out of 100] / 100 x 15 = ________
  5. Debate Winners:  ___+1____
Fill out the equation above and add up all the numbers above the green lines. The sum should be between 0 and 100. Please see Grading Scheme (syllabus, p.2) for corresponding grade distribution. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your grade or anything else, please don't hesitate to see me!

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