Thursday, September 29, 2016

Media Effects Team Blue

1) Joshua Cantrell(2), Darian McBrayer(0), Cale Meredith(7)
2) The collective network of mass communication including message makers, message distributors, mediums, methods, platforms, form, function, audience, participants, etc.
3) An alteration of thoughts, attitudes, emotions, behaviors, or beliefs either instantaneously or over time. An effect can be actual or perceived.
1 “Legend of Censorship: Break Down The Walls Effect”
The effect that animated shows (for children under 18) has on what is considered the social norms.

2 “We call ourselves Facebook because Evil Labs Inc. was too obvious effect”
The effects that is caused by big companies running tests on emotions of it’s users/customers.

3 “Men have feelings too effect”
The effect that men are shown more stereotypically the realised.

4 “Sexy Greek God Effect”
The effect that is cause by men’s body image issue in media.

5 “Lies and Lies. People and People. People and Lies.”
The effect that brings in lies to the people in the name of censorship.

6 “Money Fight Effect”
The effect where an election's outcome is determined by money spent on the campaign.

7 "Sleepless is the New Black Effect"
The release of a new Netflix series leads to a decrease in the number of hours slept

8 "In vino veritas Effect"
Presidential debates lead to a rise in the average blood alcohol level

9 “The ‘Screw You Daddy!’ Effect”
The effect that realities shows have on female youth that causes them to act out in a negative manner.

10 “Tumblr is the ‘best’ effect”
The effect where the allure of a site/blog hides it’s negative influence.

5)“Sexy Greek God Effect” (The effect that is cause by men’s body image issue in media.)

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